In addition, the differentiation will determine whether the "ordinary" common law relief of damages applies or whether the "extraordinary" equity remedy of specific performance is available. 另外,将根据以上普通法与衡平法的差异,来裁定适用普通法规定的损害赔偿金救济,还是衡平法规定的特定履行救济。
In the case of pollution, the common law doctrine of nuisance offers the remedies of damages and injunctions to injured landowners. 在污染问题上,普通的妨害法为受到侵害的土地拥有者提供了损害赔偿和各种禁令。
This article made primary reseach on the following fetuss: fetus s legal status and civil rights, applied law of compensation for damages, legal responsibility assumed, etc. 本文从血液的法律性质,胎儿的法律地位和民事权利,损害赔偿的适用法律,法律责任承担等方面对输血导致胎儿病毒感染作初步的讨论。
( law) compensation in excess of actual damages ( a form of punishment awarded in cases of malicious or willful misconduct). (律)超过实际损失的赔偿(作为因失误或故意渎职等的惩罚)。
Rebuilding the Law of Damages: European Experiences and Tendency 损害赔偿法的重新构建:欧洲经验与欧洲趋势
With the development of market economy and the strengthening of people's legal knowledge, the problems in law of state compensation for damages have gradually exposed. 随着市场经济的发展和人们法制观念的加强,国家赔偿法所存在的问题日渐暴露出来。
The Hadley rule in English contract law limits the scope of damages for breach of contract, starting the modern contract damage law. 英国契约法中的哈德利规则限制了违约损害赔偿的范围,开创了现代合同损害赔偿法之先河。
The existence of modern law of compensation of damages is a developing process. By analyzing the process, we can clearly grasp the clues of its development and offer proposals for law of compensation of damages in China. 近代损害赔偿法存在一个发展的过程,对于这一过程进行梳理,可以明晰损害赔偿法发展的脉络,为我国损害赔偿法提供借镜。
The modern law of compensation of damages was based on fault liability and perfected and enlarged in scope by adding no-fault liability, social security and compensation for damages. 近代损害赔偿法最初以过错责任为基点,随着社会发展渐次导入无过错责任,又至社会保障与损害赔偿相融合,其中损害赔偿范围也发生了扩张。
It is found that the cumulative size distribution of microcracks fits an exponential law during the development of damages. The results of experiments are analyzed by means of NAG model. All parameters in the governing equation are obtained for the material. 发现裂纹的累积数密度分布在损伤演化过程中保持指数形式,用NAG模型对实验结果进行分析,得出该材料裂纹演化发展方程的各种参数。
The Research of Comparative Law about the Nature of Liquidated Damages in Different Countries 各国立法上违约金性质比较研究
Through the analysis of practices of punitive damages both at home and abroad, the writer offers some suggestions on improving our law of punitive damages. 通过分析国内外惩罚性赔偿制度的实践经验,笔者对我国目前惩罚性赔偿制度的进一步完善提出建议。
Through the analysis of the concept and characteristics of punitive damages together with the comparative analysis of characteristics of legal liabilities on violating economic law, the preconditions for the law of punitive damages is a kind of legal liability on violating economic law are established. 通过分析惩罚性赔偿的概念,特征以及用比较的方法对经济法律责任的特点和形式的分析,确定了惩罚性赔偿成为一种经济法法律责任形式的前提条件。
According to the intention of Article 46, Marriage Law, the basis of compensation for damages in divorce is not tort but divorce, and its nature is legal liability. 依《婚姻法》第46条的规范意旨,离婚损害赔偿的基础是离婚而非侵权行为,其性质应是法定责任。
The traditional common law doctrine of contract provides that tort damages for emotional distress caused by breach of contract are not recoverable. 传统的英美合同法理论认为,侵权责任中的精神损害赔偿不能扩展到违约责任中。
The social standard of modern civil law is the legal basis of punitive damages. 现代民法的社会本位法制为惩罚性赔偿的存在提供了法制基础。
The spirit of the law of punitive damages first appeared in the "code of hammurabi" in B.C, the code has a corresponding law shall be described. 惩罚性赔偿的法律精神,最早出现在公元前的《汉谟拉比法典》中,该法典就有了相应的法条予以记述。
However the author thinks, excessive restriction of liquidated damages is unable to realize the system should function," labor contract law "on the system of liquidated damages clause too principle, in reality easily lead to misunderstanding and disputes. 然而笔者认为,过度限制违约金的适用无法实现该制度应有的功能,《劳动合同法》中关于违约金制度的条文过于原则化,在现实中容易引起误解和纠纷。
The article draws lessons from foreign punitive legislation experience, combining with the situation of our country, through the theoretical analysis in the legislation perfection of consumer protection law in the system of punitive damages. 文章借鉴国外惩罚性制度的立法经验,结合本国国情,通过理论分析在立法层面完善我国消费者保护法中的惩罚性赔偿制度。
Firstly points out the laws and regulations of the filed divorce compensation for damage to narrow the scope of legal reasons, and puts forward the difficult because of the burden of victims compensation and our spouse true spiritual law stipulates divorced without the amount of damages. 首先指出了离婚损害赔偿的法定情形范围过窄,并提出因为举证难而阻碍了大批受害配偶真正获得赔偿及离婚精神损害赔偿标准不明确。
Especially the two major legal systems of the world, continental law system and Anglo-American law system of compensation for damages in divorce legislation. 着重对当今世界两大主要法系即大陆法系和英美法系国家离婚损害赔偿的相关立法进行比较研究。
Through the brief introduction of punitive damages, the paper draws a conclusion that the effective implementation of the antitrust law should introduce the system of punitive damages. 文章通过对惩罚性赔偿制度的简要介绍,得出我国反垄断法的有效实施应该引进惩罚性赔偿制度的结论。
Liabilities for breach of contract in American law include indemnity of damages for breach of contract, actual performance and injunction. 美国法违约责任有损害赔偿、实际履行和禁令。
Later countries ruled by law succeeded the indemnity institution of damages for breach of contract in Roman law, developed and improved this institution. Due to the difference of traditions and views among each country, there are different institutions and theories. 后世法治国家继承了罗马法上违约损害赔偿制度并不断发展完善,而各国由于传统、理论等不同,形成不同的理论和制度。
Because of this, the tort law of road traffic accident damages has also become an important subject. 正因为如此,道路交通事故损害赔偿已成为侵权行为法的一个重要课题。
Once more, after defining medical behavior, ueses the theory of causal relation in UK-US law to analysis the causal relation of medical damages of non-medical malpractice. 再次,在对医疗行为进行界定后,利用英美法上的因果关系的理论,对非医疗事故的医疗损害中的因果关系的认定进行了分析。
But also a special law on the cause of wildlife damages. 但是还没有一部关于野生动物致人损害赔偿的专门法律。
As an ancient system of contract law, modern system of liquidated damages, which has its origin in Roman law, is still widely applied in the trade practice in each country. 现代违约金制度起源于罗马法,至今已愈千年。作为合同法上一项古老的制度,违约金制度至今仍然在各国交易实践中得到非常广泛的运用。
Application of the law of liquidated damages should follow the fairness, integrity, the principles of autonomy, and meet certain conditions. 违约金的法律适用应遵循公平、诚信、意思自治等原则,且符合一定的条件。